Sunday, November 22, 2009

First Night Job.^^

Yesterday night was my first night in job.
Nice place.
Tenji Restaurant at Mont Kiara.
If have chance, I think should sit at there to eat, not working.

Big japanese buffet restaurant.
Many tables and chairs.
Many section.
Sushi, sashimi, tempura, tepanyaki, western, eastern.........
3 different types of ice cream brands;
3 different kinds of bar section.
SOOOOOO big~^^

I thought i worked there as waiter and cleaning.
But, luckily yesterday not~!
I'd been standing in the bar section.
Just helping them to prepare everything.
Ice blended, fruit juices.....
Finally, they arrange me to the beer and cocktail section.
Learning something.
and those seniors so friendly.
Keep call me try this try that.
Beside that is the BBQ section.
She giv me a lamb sausage tim~
teach me how to curi-curi makan.
teach me their language tim.

today i have to change my post with xingy0u.
Yesterday he was extremely tired.
Be everything and remembered all those table numbers..
Today my turn.

1 comment:

Miich said...

bu cuo xia ehh.
lol.rmber number,
my 强项 X)
i can remember all ppl's bday & email 8D
HAHAH 8) chiu pro ehh x)
so good la.curi makan pula ==
教我调酒ehh X)